Axiomatic semantics: Pre-post semantics of Graal
pp 319-322 Assignment
The axiom schema for assignment uses the notion of *substitution*.
This rule applies to languages which draw a clear distinction between
the notions of expression and instruction. In such languages,
expressions produce values, with no effect on the run-time state of
the program; in contrast, instructions may change the state, but do
not return a value. This separation is violated if an expression may
produce *side-effects*.
Functions which produce arbitrary side-effects are bad programming
practice, they are damaging referential transparency.
pp 335-336
The "Law of the excluded miracle" by Dijkstra states that no
instruction can ever produce the postcondition False:
a wp False = False
[wp: weakest precondition]
a wp True is the weakest precondition that will ensure termination of
p 337
For any assertion Q:
Skip wp Q = Q
Abort wp Q = False
What Abort "does" practically is irrelevant to the theory. To
paraphrase Wittgenstein's famous quote: What one cannot prove about,
one must not talk about.
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Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages