cgi-bin Vob
Our CGI scripts are to be found on our http server,, below the
/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin directory.
This vob is a repository for CGI scripts.
To run a script, append its name to your HTML browser location url string:
- lsbl
- check_rel
- lastlabel
- rhist: generate a
table listing a family of ClearCase fixed label types, i.e.
usually release history label types.
- dir: list a directory
tree, skipping the
server default.
- list
the newsgroups of a news server. Both can be given as arguments.
and all newsgroups.
Note: in some cases, there is extra noise at the end of the listing.
- should
be equivalent to
The arguments depend on the design of each script.
A set of Perl CGI scripts allows to access the history of ClearCase
elements. These are:
- cchist: Display the
history of all elements currently visible in the selected
version of a directory.
Note: the view (/view/doc) and the
/vob prefix are hard-coded.
- cccat: Append a mime
content type tag, and dump a file.
- ccdiff: Display the
diff between one version and its predecessor.
- Other usability improvements are under
The two last scripts are meant to be used internally by the first.
Currently there is only one CGI script used by Testing Group.
The script decrypts & displays Testing Groups host passwords
fixed labels,
Claude Bouillin
Last modified: Wed Apr 16 12:18:57 EETDST 2003