(ref.doc)template terms

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Template terminology
by James Coggins, in cppR 5/2

Useful but controversical terminology definitions (contradictions with

- template declaration
  announces the existence, but not necessarily the contents, e.g.:
	template <class T> class stack;

- template definition
  specifies the members of a class template or the body of a function
  template, e.g.:
	template <class T> class stack {
		void push(const T&);

- template member function definition
  used to define the members of a class template, e.g.:
	template <class T>
		void stack<T>::push(const T& val)
		data[++top] = val;

- specialization
  the user has the compiler do a specialized version, e.g.:
	extern stack<int> siv;

- user specialization
  the programmer wants a specialized version of a template for a given
  type, e.g.:
	class stack<char> {

- instantiation
  the process of generating code needed to implement the particular
  template specializations the programmer needs

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