
p xiii
...just as inevitable is the well-known three-step sequence of reactions that meets the introduction of a new methodological principle: (1) "it's trivial"; (2) besides, it won't work"; (3) "anyway, that's how I did it all along".
p xiv
Attempts to discuss issues of software design independently of any notation may seem commendable, but are in fact naive, and bound to yield superficial results. Conversely, many discussions of what appears to be language problems are in fact discussions of serious software engineering problems.
p xv
Software design is sometimes mistakenly viewed as an activity totally secluded from actual implementation. A tendency has even arisen recently to present simple graphical notations, perhaps adequate for expressing designs, as "design methods" (or better yet, "methodologies").
"Toute vérité franchit trois étapes. D'abord elle est ridiculisée. Ensuite, elle subit une forte opposition. Puis, elle est considérée comme ayant toujours été une évidence." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Chapter 2-3,
Object-oriented Software Construction