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C/C++ Users Journal
October 99
Objects & Components

p 10 Standard C/C++ by P.J. Plauger
A Better Sort
  insertion, heap, quick and intro sort.

p 43 Singleton Creation the Thread-safe Way
by Jonathan Ringle
  The behaviour of a local static object is undefined in a multithreaded 
  Double-Checked Locking Pattern: test for infrequent condition before

p 57 Controlling the Destruction Order of Singleton Objects
by Evgeniy Gabrilovich
  The new C++ standard states that "a static local variable in a member
   function always refers to the same object whether or not the member 
   function is inline"

p 63 Using auto_ptr Effectively
by Herb Sutter

p 69 A Recursive Visit Template
by Marc Briand

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