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Communications of the ACM
November 93, Volume 36, Number 11
Software Quality

pp 30-40
The CM-5 connection machine: a scalable supercomputer
by W. Daniel Hillis and Lewis W. Tucker

CHARM: Coordinated Homogeneous Array of RISC Microprocessors.

Fat-tree topology. Each interior node connects four children to two or
more parents...

Shared address space and distributed memory.

Multiple instruction stream, with global synchronization (between MIMD
and SIMD).

pp 51-61
An improved inspection technique
by John C. Knight and E. Ann Myers

Deficiencies in the application of existing methods
Existing methods do not make the most effective use of human
resources. [debating spelling, parallel work prevention,
susceptibility to individual dominance, permission to failure to
prepare or contribute]

Phased inspections

pp 62-68
Practical results from measuring software quality
by Robert B. Grady

It is very enlightening to hear the stories of how the massive towers
of some cathedrals only reached their current hights after earlier
disastrous collapses (For example, Mont Saint Michel and Beauvais

At our software conferences, there is often heated debate about how to
define "quality". Some argue that it is "fitness for use". Others say
"satisfying customer needs" or "absence of defects". This article
takes the practical stance that, like other, previous immature fields,
it is initially most useful to focus improvement efforts on defects.

Code coverage
Complexity: cyclomatic complexity, fanout

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