When We Cease to Understand the World

Benjamín Labatut, Un Verdor Terrible
Translated from Spanish by Adrian Nathan West
Pushkin Press, 2020

Fiction around fascinations for a few geniouses.

Prussian Blue

Poison of the Third Reich: cyanide and Zyklon B.
Colour in European art.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Fritz Haber: war gas and nitrogen fertilizers.

Schwarzschild's Singularity

1915: The first solution to Einstein's general relativity equation, and the invention of black holes.

The Heart of the Heart

Shinichi Mochizuki and the proof of the a + b = c conjecture (aka Oesterlé–Masser, or Szpiro).
Alexander Grothendieck

When We Cease to Understand the World

Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, and Louis de Broglie.

The Night Gardener

A Chilian mathematician turned gardener.
Newyorker, Community Bookstore Live