Prevention, detection, resolution.
What are the semantics needed to resolve them?
At these levels, it is not possible to compare the conflicting
parties (transactions, but also tasks):
- Do they really conflict?
- Do they actually collaborate? Because of information hiding,
they may not know each other, though still concur to a common
goal... If they do, they should maybe share a same view of the
resource, even if not fully consistent. Otherwise, they must be
- How much have they invested so far (what is the price of
aborting them)? Have they save-points, allowing for partial
rollbacks? Would these partial rollbacks suffice?
- How far are they from completion (how long should one wait for
them to bring the system back to a consistent state)?
- What is their priority? Their goal?
Table of contents
Marc Girod
Last modified: Sat Feb 28 14:27:01 EET 1998