SCM Roles
The following roles are identified, in relation to
SCM, for the purpose of defining
responsibilities, in addition to
Projects and Line Organisation Roles
The Project
This is the fundamental role in SCM!
Software developers are responsible for the creation of configuration items, and of the bottom-up
genesis of software configurations.
This software configuration includes also labeling, which is not
mentioned in the previous link.
The Release Engineer (RE) is the person who, along with the project
manager decides the SCM used in the project.
RE makes the release and all the procedures needed for it, also
sees that the developers do their SCM work properly and follow the
SCM plan set by the
SCM function.
The RE takes care of the documentation of the project's SCM
(excluding components) and verifies the content of the build by
running the installation procedures on a convenient environment.
The Project manager (PM) is the one who knows the project in general
and who provides the Release Engineer with required tools, needed
components, 3rd party software etc.
Project Manager is the one who
also keeps track on where the project is going at the time and takes
care of the schedule.
In charge of:
- tools
- 3rd party software
- labels used to identify baselines
This role is assigned to Marc Girod.
In charge of:
This role is assigned partly to Marc Girod
SCM function,
Marc Girod
Last modified: Thu May 25 17:50:00 EETDST 2000