
Nokia Telecommunications Oy/NMS For Data


Hiomotie 5, Helsinki


Upgrade the Intra Task Force set and allocated by Kalle Tarpila


what to do and how to do: N4DSCM.ppt/1/Dec/1998/Kta


By 1999-01-30


NMS For Data R&D members

Version information

Version / status of this review report: 1.0 / Ready.

[Note by CBo: Original Word document issued 01/02/1999]


Tasks, deliverables and schedule

Follow up and reactivate remedial actions based on earlier reported technical problems for Rational Software Technical Support.

Reported problems

Reported Problems
Reported Problem Case ID Status Note
Touch Problem v136788 Fix in progress MGi
Patch for NTC is promised by Rational Software by 31.1.1999.
Stale NFS file handle - Fixed->closed MGi
NFS problems on HP v0164603 Reported MGi
->Hard NFS mount without –soft option is suggested fix. Testing and verifying is required by NTC.
Disappearing Dos v0149906 Fixed->closed MGi
Exceptions comp. aCC v0175129 Fixed with Purify 4.4 Beta I.Keijonen
->Purify 4.4 Beta needs to be installed, tested and verified by NTC

Raised issues for Rational Software's ClearCase R&D

Raised Issues
Reported Problem Case ID Status Note
OpenView NNM - - J.Särestöniemi
Duplicate Dos - - MGi
Versioned types - - MGi
Clearmake -u for directories - - MGi
Clearmake and directory versions - - MGi
Clearmake & C++ Template - - J.Särestöniemi

These issues have been raised during MGi’s visit to Rational Software in Lexington, MA 25-26.1.1999. All possibly agreed action points will be followed up by NTC and Rational Software jointly. Some of them have been solved, most of them are in progress and in detail reported by Marc Girod internally or via e-mail correspondence between him and Rational Software.

Statuses of different issues, (known by the time of writing this) and some new ones

Statuses of different issues
Reported Problems Case ID Status Note
OpenView NNM - in progress MGi-Rational
duplicate DOs - in progress MGi-Rational
Clearmake -u for directories - in progress MGi-Rational
Clearmake and directory versions - in progress MGi-Rational
Clearmake & C++ Template - acknowledged, not in progress -
directories in CR - in progress MGi-Rational

Interviews and basic analysis work during 14-15.12.1998


Problems expressed or observed and listed by category after all interviews:

HW & SW Infrastructure

Analysis in short

Positive observations:
The organization is able to work and release software.
According to the users interviewed and based on some personal observations 1-2 days the above mentioned issues are true and they have been experienced from a longer period of time.

Negative impacts:
The fact that the HW & SW infra is not able to serve the organization well enough during the daily working hours should be considered critical, because it results in delaying productive R&D work for all developers and also demotivates people.

Short term remedial actions taken and decisions made (within 4-6 weeks)

Longer term improvements (within > 6 weeks to 6 months)

Other considerations

SW Tools

Analysis in short

Positive observations
The ones who have learned using the existing tools this is not an issue and for the whole environment servers well.
Negative impacts
For some designers and consultants (short-term contractors) who have had not chance to learn character-based tools, the ability to do productive work as motivated manner is not so good.

Short term remedial actions taken and decisions made (within 4-6 weeks)

Longer term improvements (within > 6 weeks to 6 months)

Making an application release and build

Analysis in short

Positive observations:
The internal release instructions and helpful scripts in the Intranet are carefully maintained and accurate from the content point of view. Many advanced and powerful ClearCase features such as configuration record in build and labeling and wink-in are in use.
It is true that by following the internal release instructions via Browser Window and at the same time learning and doing the build with other tools was slow and difficult to understand. This would frustrate any developer until the tools and instructions are well understood and learned. However, after the learning curve achieved per designer, many developers considered this workflow not so problematic after all.
Negative impacts:
prevents or delays productive R&D application release work, does not motivate using the tools the intended way until they are all learned well enough.

Short term remedial actions (within 4-6 weeks)

Longer term improvements (within > 6 weeks to 6 months)

Other considerations

Other problems reported



White paper about NetApp and ClearCase is available from

Statement from Rational Software about NetApp and ClearCase usage:

NetApp boxes support both NFS and SMB protocols, which means that technically NetApp servers can store data for both UNIX and NT clients. However, since Windows NT does not support links, only UNIX VOBs can have remote storage pools. You can however use a UNIX VOB, which has remote storage pools, from NT by specifying the location of the remote storage pool via the Split Pool Map field in the Region Synchronizer.

ClearCase - UNIX

NetApp file servers can be used to store UNIX VOB and view storage pools. ClearCase Servers and clients must be able to access the storage pools via a global pathname. This is typically done by creating a symlink from the pool directories on the ClearCase server to an NFS exported pathname on the NetApp File Server.

ClearCase VOB storage directories contain the following directories by default:

database files
source pool
derived object pool
cleartext pool

The storage pools are the only physical structures that can be moved to a File Server like NetApp. Generally, Network File Servers do not support running a native OS and therefore can not run ClearCase processes (albd, lock mgr, etc...). Since the ClearCase database servers run where the 'db' directory physically resides, the 'db' directory cannot reside on the NetApp Server. You can also store the '.s' subdirectory of view storage on a NetApp File Server.

NOTE: Although NetApp recommends using RAID level 5 in their White Paper regarding ClearCase and NetApp, Rational Software does NOT recommend this. Performance in RAID 5 configurations is generally too slow for VOB updates. Rational Software recommends running RAID 0+1 if possible and especially if server performance is limited.

ClearCase - NT

NetApp is in the process of doing some testing of an all NT configuration where the storage pool directories reside on their server and are accessed via SMB. Rational has no information to date about how well this does or doesn't work and therefore cannot recommend this configuration at this time. (1/99)

TotalNet from Syntax and ClearCase

Press Release available from Rational:

More details from related ClearCase release 3.2.1 manuals

More details available from Syntax:

Markku Tiainen (Rational Corp.)
Last modified: Wed Mar 3 16:00:05 EET 1999