
In the course of a discussion on the issue in cciug, I got the following suggestion from Howard Zhou, which I need to understand better:

There are several suggestions in regards to this issue:
  1. Increase view cache size using ct setcache -view -cachesize 4m
  2. Use ct getcache -mvfs command on builder nodes to verify RPC handles. If it reached max such as 10/10, you may want to increase it using ct setcache command.

I hesisted to post this to the next since I am not successful on resolving the issue.

In my case, we have both VOB/Views on the same server and we are running out buffer cache. So this approach didn't help much. However you can give it try and let me know if you make any progress.

CR cache ToC
Marc Girod
Last modified: Thu May 6 08:54:17 EETDST 1999