Bazaar SCM

Instead of implementing an "SCM cathedral" (or beside the one we ought to have anyway), ClearCase and the web make it possible for us to grow an SCM bazaar.

The interests are manyfold:


Tasks would be assigned on a round-robin basis, successively to different members of the department. There would at any moment in time always be two people in charge, with the lead sweeping on a weekly basis, as one member would change.

So, the assignements would be for two weeks, the second of which as team leader.

A clear task list would be maintained publically, with clear priorities. Personal competences and opportunities would be taken into consideration for picking the tasks, under the team leader's responsibility.

The assignments would be known and planned in advance, so as not to disrupt other plans.

SCM plan, reuse,
The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond,
Homesteading the Noosphere by the same,
The Rise of "Worse is Better" by Richard Gabriel,
Marc Girod
Last modified: Sat Sep 30 22:13:44 EETDST 2000