Enhancement Propositions
- Document database structure
- Our current implementation of HTML Knowledge
Database goes slightly beyond Internal documentation. Do we need
restrictions to the way its structure is updated or expanded in
order to comply with its planned growth?
- Templates
- Do we need internal document templates? What kind? How do we
implement and maintain them?
- Print Preview
- In order to smoothen HyperText Internal Documentation
integration, we need to implement a quick and obviously dirty
Print feature. This feature should work from all the browsers we
use: i.e. Netscape Communicator, and Emacs. It should not try to
be a replacement to on-line browsing. This feature should
- document tree automatic descent from default page in browser
- insertion (copy) of local nodes of information
- rejection of remote nodes of information, echoing of
URL string
- rejection of duplicate nodes, echoing of URL string
and status
- output redirected back to browser
- generation of basic header and footer left to
browser, usually file name, page numbering, date,
- actual printing left to user action in browser:
preview, canceling, page selection, etc.
- generate custom headers (full ClearCase version
identifier, date, Table of content, maybe warning about
loss of info, etc.)
- generate footers (authors name, diff info) in order to try
fulfilling quality standards.
- ClearCase integration
- Some ClearCase features are very useful to hypertext
internal documentation platform. Some are already partly
integrated, some might need investigation, they are:
- Hyperlinks automatic support from all browsers.
Support is already implemented.
- CGI-BIN script library maintenance
- Rational own files
- Our own scripts
- Graphics use and production
- This task covers use of existing graphic files, possibly
produced by external tools (NRC design tool: KISS, etc.). It
covers as well production of graphic files and the choice of the
proper tools.
- Exporting
- This task should be seen as a deep copy implementation of
the document database. The depth has to be user defined in terms
of directory level, or node, or whatever efficiently limits
copying of unwanted information, for size, or classification
Usability improvements,
Requirements ToC
Claude Bouillin
Last modified: Thu Nov 1 16:41:57 EET 2001