
Assertions à la Eiffel are often advocated, and in general considered good. Supporting them in C++ is surprisingly heavy and frustrating. It falls short of providing the same thing.

The old C assert macro is thus often considered a best compromise. The issue of the use of exceptions is related.


The problem with the assert macro, is that its effect is global, which means that it is not suitable for reusable code.

Assert is designed be used with the intention to remove it (by recompiling with NDEBUG) before delivery. The problem for reusable code, is that there is no delivery. This is the product/service dichotomy: reusable code is more of a service than of a product!

Eiffel assertions

They are checked dynamically.
They often offer only an alternative for expressing the semantics of types, to static typing (there are cases which can be expressed by checkable assertions, and cannot be expressed statically through types, but these are more infrequent than is commonly believed -out of laziness! There are numerous cases which cannot be expressed by either). A design using one strategy cannot be converted seamlessly (e.g. without changing the users) into one using the other. In the context of static typed object orientation (both Eiffel and C++), they are thus a loss of orthogonality for a minor gain of expressivity.

Static assertions

Access control provides some, limited but static, support for assertions.
Types do as well, especially if not restricted to being signature specifications but extending up to behaviour specifications.

Types as assertions, friendship,
C++ ToC
Marc Girod
Last modified: Mon Sep 20 08:34:06 EETDST 1999