Position your minibuffer differently on some machine

You will have to override the minibuffer default frame configuration. Assuming you want to change the height from -98 on any machine to -1 (screen bottom) on screw, you may add this lisp to your .emacs:

(defvar my-minibuffer-frame-alist
   '(name          . "Minibuffer")
   '(minibuffer    . only)
   '(height        . 1)
   (cons 'top (if (string-match "^screw" (system-name)) -1 -98))
   '(width         . 180)
   '(left          . 190)
   '(user-position . t)
   '(auto-raise    . t)))

Claude Bouillin
Last modified: Wed Aug 14 09:26:23 EETDST 2002